An exclusive wikipedia for individuals with Complex Dissociative Disorders (CDDs) to browse through, without supporting individuals who claim to have a CDD without trauma.



















<aside> ❗ This wiki is still under construction, but most of it is done, hence why it’s available to the public!



Take a look around! We have terms you can look at as well as some answers to common questions about CDDs (and sources we have used to answer these questions! Although, a handful of questions are really experience-based and community based, therefore, we have answered some just based on what a lot of people have reported experiencing!!)


So, this story starts in 2019. I was in 8th grade. I had one friend with DID who i would talk to pretty often. They told me about their system and all that. I was facinated, and honestly, even related to the experiences they shared. Eventually, I asked if they could give me their opinions on whether they think I have DID or not (kind of stupid to ask a friend around my age but, you know, I was in 8th grade.) They said they didn’t know, so they suggested I talk to their online friend who also has DID. We made a gc, and he asked me some questions I can’t remember for the life of me, I just remember they were things like “do you have memory issues?” “do you hear voices?” and “are you traumatized?” type questions. Obviously, these aren’t questions you use to determine if someone has a CDD, and you shouldn’t even try to determine that if you aren’t the person themself or a professional. However, I answered accordingly to my experiences, and my friend’s friend came to the conclusion that I don’t have DID. I was frustrated and confused because I had been looking into it as best I could at that age and everything I was seeing I related to. I eventually fell into denial because this one person I didn’t even know told me that I don’t have DID.

A year later, in 2020, I was talking with a different friend and we discussed trauma and imaginary friends, and they shared that they had “created” Imaginary friends to cope with big stress and traumas they had dealt with. I expressed that this sounded like DID, but “since I sort of relate, but I don’t have DID, then you probably don’t either.” After we talked, I did a quick google search and found a Reddit post about “tulpas.” I was estatic because this sounded exactly like what we were experiencing. I shared this info with my friend and we both began treating these beings in our heads like creations of our own. While I would argue that this discovery did help us both communicate a little more with our systems, it lead us to a ton of misinformation about CDDs as well as ourselves. Not only were we personally misinformed, but I even went to discuss the topic of my “tulpas” with my sibling and misinformed them, too.

A few months after this discovery, I made a Discord server for systems (including “tulpa systems.”) I met some really cool (at the time) people there, including a friend I am still friends with to this day. This friend properly educated me on what CDDs really are, and with this information, I discovered I was an OSDD-1b system (or so I thought.) Over time, they explained to me that OSDD-1b systems don’t have daily amnesia the way our system does, which lead us to understand that we were actually a DID system. The more educated we became, the more we understood about our own system as well as the system experience. Thanks to this friend, we learned that there is no proper research behind endos which is why, as far as we know right now, the experience is not a real thing. We learned that “tulpa systems” were actually a westernized copy of a closed culture, and so so much more.

So, that leads me to today. As of present, I have made a new Discord server for educating people on CDDs, and I previously made a Carrd website for anti-endo system roles, which has evolved to this wikipedia! I decided to make these spaces because of my past experiences. There’s a lot of misinformation about CDDs out there, and it leads to having people split into 2 categories: The Fakeclaimers and The Endo-Supporters (both are bad in their respective ways.)

So, yeah. I have created this wiki, and all my other CDD-related spaces, to stop this stigma and misinformation and prevent people from falling into either of these categories. I hope that this wikipedia can help some people out there properly learn about themselves and others way better.


While we try as often as possible to use medical sources, a lot of experiences in CDDs are self reported and have very little research on them. If you ever have corrections to make to this wiki or sources you would like to reccommend, send me a message at @butterednuttered on tumblr. I will check it out whenever I can!

Thanks for reading!