Dating one person

Some systems prefer to all date one person, whether that's another system or a singlet. When a system is collectively dating a singlet, not every alter has to be dating their partner. Every alter has different preferences, opinions and feelings, so this would make sense, especially in the case of littles (alters that are young children) because they are children. When a system has a partner system, they may collectively feel as though they are in a romantic relationship, even if specific alters aren't dating. Others may consider a partner system someone who has a lot of alters that are dating a lot of alters in their own system. AKA: System A has a lot of alters that are dating alters in System B.

Dating multiple people

Sometimes, systems have multiple different partners, whether that is multiple collective partners or multiple different partners individually based on alter to alter. It is important to note that this is only okay if all partners involved are consenting. If someone is not consenting to polygamy, that is cheating.

Innersystem dating

Another thing to note is that some systems will have innersystem relationships, which means that multiple alters within one system will date other alters within their own system. This system may exclusively date within their own system, or may have some altersdating within their system as well as outside of their own system.