What's an Introject?

Introjects are alters that are formed with the identity from a person, object, or concept from something that is pre-existing. There are many other terms for introjects, like introjects of real people, aka factives, and introjects of fictional characters, fictives. Note: Fictive and factive are terms originally claimed from endos

Introjects are commonly formed from friends, family, teachers, and fictional media, however, Introjects can form to identify with almost any concept; like songs, foods, inanimate objects, animals, mythical creatures; and so on.

What is a Source, Sourcemate and Double?

Note: The issue with the term "double" is that it contributes to source connection. It is not good to compare introjects to their source, as there should be some sort of separation there, which I will touch on in the next section of this channel!

Source Separation and why it's important

Source separation is when an Introject creates some sort of distance with their source. Some introjects may find themselves trying to indulge in talking with other introjects in other systems who come from the same source, creating relationships immediately with them solely because they feel they already have a pre-existing bond. Some introjects may be super connected to their source, going as far as to being in denial about their system or that they are not their source. In these situations, the introject should create a barrier from their source, and instead of being extremely connected to source, attempt to become their own individual person.

Source separation is NOT: Completely staying away from source, not going by your source name (if appropriate to do so), completely changing as a person.

Source separation IS: Accepting that you are a part of a system, accepting that you are not your source, recognizing that sourcemates are not their sources, not comparing people to your or their source, attempting to create relationships with people not solely based on their/your source

Why do Introjects exist? Why do I see so many?

Introjects, like every alter, exist to help the system function as a whole. It may not be immediately clear why an introject has formed with their specific identity; but they all have a reason to do so. Introjects of popular media are not a sign of someone who is faking the disorder. Introjects, and all alters, form because of trauma. Introjects commonly form with their specific source due to the subconscious believing that their source holds a quality, trait, or aspect which would be helpful in shielding them from trauma. For example, a fictional character who is very quiet, non-confrontational, may be formed to help a system stay hidden and avoid lashing out at their abusers.

There is no real source on this, but it's very common to see introjects in neurodivergent systems, especially autistic systems, because of how the brain fixates on media. Introjects have also become more common in newly discovered systems (People aged 13-18) because of how technology has made engaging with media whilst in a hostile environment more accessible, compared to older systems who did not have that media readily available whilst going through trauma.

Do's and Don't's interacting with Introjects